The Cape Cod Woman

Living the Cape Cod Lifestyle – one day at a time.

Making Winter Fun on Cape Cod February 12, 2010

This winter we have had a lot of snow.  Some winters we hardly get any but this season we have had our fair share!  Even when the mountains were hoping for a few flakes, we were able to get it all down here.

In the summer time, there are so many outside thing to do, right outside your door, but here we tend to keep inside in the winter if only to begrudging shovel our driveways or take the kids out to a tiny hill in the yard for sledding.

This past summer,  I picked up two sets of cross-country skis at a yard sale.  Seems like there wasn’t a lot of opportunity from the previous owners in the past to break them out as the both were in amazing shape.  Last December, I thought long and hard about pulling them out when we got the 16 inches of snow but alas, the snow came and went and there they sat.  I still regretted that and secretly prayed for a little more snow.

This time I was determined to break them out and give them a whirl.  With the 8 inches we got earlier this week, this was my chance!  I pre-flighted them yesterday in the yard and all seemed to be good.  I called my friend Wendy and asked if she would like to join me on my venture.  After all I had purchased the two complete sets and have only one set of legs.  She agreed and was excited to meet!

Off we went to the Sandwich Hollows Golf Course where they allow you to sled their one awesome hill, snow shoe and cross-country ski.  It was a balmy 32 degrees and a slight wind was blowing.  The sky was amazing blue color that only occurs in the winter time.

We started out and mistakenly hit a small hill and needless to say, we both landed on our butts!  But we got back up, found the straight away and proceeded to carve out our track.   It was so peaceful and the light was amazing.  We completed our loop and skied it two more times.  We finished about an hour and a half later with a great workout under our belts!  The rest of the day, my mind felt clear and I had a great sense of energy.

I hope when it snows where you are, you will go out and embrace nature and don’t let the season pass you by.  Winter can sometimes seem long and dark but, summer  will be here soon enough, enjoy every day you have!

Shadows in the morning

Happy Winter

Sunlight and track

The leading track

My friend

Another self portrait

Oh yeah, if you would like to try cross country, snow shoeing or sledding…..Sandwich Hollows is located on Round Hill Rd in East Sandwich.


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